Below is a script that i've been working on. I've been messing around with the idea, removing parts that I don't think work. Please comment any criticism, I'll a be appreciative of any I recieve.
The story follows a young priest called Amos who lives a simple yet isolated life within his church, his only company being his flock and the cross. Therefore, Amos takes his first steps to devoting his life to his faith, causing conflict with his brother (Daniel). One day, Amos agrees to accompany a stranger to hear his confession. However the stranger, knowing about the seal of confession, tells Amos of his plans to commit arson. Amos' mental state spirals into chaos as he is torn between abiding by his faith and telling the authorities about the stranger.

What started off the idea was when I watched Paul Thomas Anderson's 'There Will Be Blood', particularily Eli Sunday. This character caught my attention due to his absolute devotion to his faith and the unlimited limits of belief. This made me think, what if he had to choose between his faith and the safety of others? What would this do to him? And then I read about the idea of confession/ seal of confession and the idea came together.

When outlining the narrative, I took alot of inspiration from Martin Scorsese's 'Raging Bull'. When Jake LaMotta retires from boxing, his life goes into a quick spiral out of control. I imagine Amos (from my script) having the same problem due to the decision, when equilibrium is maintained he's healthy and fine. When faced with the decision (dis-equilibrium) he's scared and tired, therefore paranoid.
I included Amos' brother, Daniel, as it develops the character of Amos/ gives insight onto his personal life. This also allows me to, when Amos gets paranoid, to heighten the conflict in their relationship to the point where it's explosive.
This script is yet to be finished, any feedback is greatly appreciated!
I'm glad you enjoyed it!
I haven't actually seen it yet but it sounds like it would really help with this idea. I'm hoping to extend this script into a longer film so it definitely would become a greater influence and a good research area, thank you.
I enjoyed reading this script & your explanation, I’d look forward to seeing the finished version.
Have you seen Alfred Hitchcocks I Confess? Could be a good research film, a priest hears a murder confession then gets framed for the murder.